This is a classified message from Anonymous. Mass-publication is strictly recommended.
After numerous attacks on the truth spilling platform of WikiLeaks (including the shut-down of its financing) we have already made it very clear that we will fight for Freedom of Speech and a free press.
But we have, at best, given them a black eye. The game has changed. When the game changes, so too must our strategies.
We are now moving forward to phase two of our war on disinformation-terror, introducing: Operation Leakspin.
Become part of the hive and join a fight we can only win with information.
Begin searching through WikiLeaks. Find only the best, least exposed leaks you can get your hands on. Post summaries of them, along with the complete source. Encourage the reader to read more. Make one-to-two-minute YouTube videos reading the leaks. Use misleading tags. Post snippets of the leaks everywhere on the internet.
After numerous attacks on the truth spilling platform of WikiLeaks (including the shut-down of its financing) we have already made it very clear that we will fight for Freedom of Speech and a free press.
But we have, at best, given them a black eye. The game has changed. When the game changes, so too must our strategies.
We are now moving forward to phase two of our war on disinformation-terror, introducing: Operation Leakspin.
Become part of the hive and join a fight we can only win with information.
Begin searching through WikiLeaks. Find only the best, least exposed leaks you can get your hands on. Post summaries of them, along with the complete source. Encourage the reader to read more. Make one-to-two-minute YouTube videos reading the leaks. Use misleading tags. Post snippets of the leaks everywhere on the internet.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Anonymous on IRC: #operationpayback +++ more info on IRC: +++ anon blog: +++ +++ Twitter: +++ the letter: +++ Anonymous' press release: +++ if you support the message, please spread the word:
Hearing chatter of huuuge IKEA orders being canceled and withdrawn. Some businesses are claiming to have cancelled $400K+ orders. Is an IKEA boycott coming??!!