Monday, January 10, 2011

Amazon Could Be Hackers Next Target For Wikileaks Revenge


WikiLeaks' allies have declared war against and they've already targeted Paypal, Visa and Mastercard this week. Could Amazon be the next since they booted WikiLeaks from their servers last week?

The @Op_Payback Twitter account tweeted just an hour ago "TARGET: WWW.AMAZON.COM LOCKED ON!!"
Trouble in the works?

The account also tweeted about Amazon selling a Kindle version of the cables, released by Wikileaks.

PayPal, Mastercard and Visa were all targeted by the group for refusing to allow donations to Wikileaks, however PayPal blogged yesterday that they'd just transferred the last amount of funds to Wikileaks' account.

[Twitter via All Things D and Business Insider]

UPDATE: Wikileaks has published a statement on its website, distancing itself from the DDoS attacks of its supporters:

"These denial of service attacks are believed to have originated from an internet gathering known as Anonymous. This group is not affiliated with Wikileaks. There has been no contact between any Wikileaks staffer and anyone at Anonymous. Wikileaks has not received any prior notice of any of Anonymous' actions.
Wikileaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said: "We neither condemn nor applaud these attacks. We believe they are a reflection of public opinion on the actions of the targets.""

Source: Fooyoh


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