Friday, November 11, 2011

Statement of a Jaago Volunteer

This is a statement from a Worker who is working with "Jaago Foundation" now. He requested to keep his name as secret. His statement was in Bengali thats why I am transleting and providing it to all of you in English.

"Kindly please don't publish my name. I am working with Jaago. The boys and girls whoare working with Jaago is thinking that they are doing something for there country but the people who are against of Jaago is not doing anything, but they are not thinking that what are they doing this is simple works, and by this simple works Jaago (backup a US Embassy) is making our young generation as Fan of them, and our Young Generation already badly effected by it!

Jaago is giving chance to the Volunteers to work and collect money from road work what is nothing more than show off because Jaago already got a huge amount of money from their sponsors. Then why they are doing something like that?

Jaago is using money to manage their 7000 Volunteers. And by this collected amount by Volunteers now a days they will not be able to buy a place and constructing a school on their. Jaago tolds thier Volunteers that to collect money for 1 day they will add rest of the money  from head office, now the question is that from where their head office gets money? It gets money from Multinational company who is managed by US Embassy.

Jaago wasted a lots of money to make the event what was more then they collected in 1 day. They also haven't took the registration money. Theykeeps all of their money to the volunteers and they told that to Volunteers that they will not take the money and they will give them too. The question is that why they are not constructing a school and hunt for Volunteer teacher, atleast 700 will response in positive from the 7000 Volunteers. But it was not their mission.thats why they are wasting money for Volunteers and keeps them happy to think that they atleast worked hard for 1 day.

Jaago gives their Volunteers an opportunity to manage a certificate. If they stop to give them, no one will join them any more.

Watch this photos of the Jaago's Award event. [Link]

They wasted more than crore money. they are also using Walkitalki, and they are giving their Volunteer a chance to collect money to make a small school isn't it was funny? It means if our all war criminals works in road for a day, then we will forget everything what ever they done and will keep them over our head, good joke it is.

It is true that Jaago constructed 3 school from where 600+ students are learning, but no body is watching the main point! They are wasting more money for Volunteers to keep our Young Generation to their close.

This man is the Cultural Director of US Embassy, So USA running in back of our Young Generation, what influenced them to do so?

Jaago ttold about their Multinational Sponsor's that the Bangladeshi people who is working the companies what are already mentioned on their website, they provides some money for their organization. Why they are not taking money directly from the company? Think that, you giving me 100tk, for that will I able to use your company logo as sponsor? 

Again telling that, Jaago is working but they are taking more than crore and wasting them in thousands. With out some of them, most of them can't speak in Bengali, who can't speak in their mother language how is this possible that they will change our country?.

I think 7000 Volunteers of Jaago can start their own Volunteer work with their friend and family, but they are sitting on their chair and waiting for when Jaago will call them cause they gives them a certificate.

1of the complaint against the Volunteers that they are following English Medium, they thinks if they know English then our country can do progress, yes its true but for that you can learn English from Bangla Medium, Street childrens never told you that they want to forget Bengali, what are they allready forgot!

Sometimes back you uploaded a photo, I tried out to upload it, Wazi Khan also have this type of photos, but all of them are now hidden, can't find.

I am giving you all the proofs to you via this message, about this Volunteer Organization. After yesterdays examintaion I searched sevaral things in their website.
At first I am giving you the link of their page about Corporate Partner & Partner Organization.

To make students Volunteer they made a part named "Volunteer for Bangladesh". I am attaching its website link in here. [Link]

You can easily find out that in their logo that est.2011. And they want to cover whole Bangladesh within 2 years it means 2012-13! Never forget to check in the lower section of this website you will find there a visible US EMbassy logo, because they directly involved with it!

Now the main section I am sharing, watch this questions & answers. [Link]

1. See on their event link, you will see that now they have branches in Australia, Canada, Denmark, United Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia. But this Organization established in 2007!How they are able to work in those leading countries of the world now a days with in 3.5 years?You will understood that when you will visit their USA Facebook page that Jaago has not came from USA, their Head Office is in Bangladesh and they are working in this 7 countries when firstly the project started from Bangladesh! [Link]

2. How they find out a small slum home of Rayer Bazaar what is not found by others! And in their 1 answer to the question they told that they are not assciated with Bangladesh Government, and they don't know about Bangladesh Government in this way, but they knows United States of America's Government more.

3. Their main AIM is providing education is root levelThey are only interested in providing education in their school, but in that case they are following International system, they are creating their own syllabus, not in our Bangladeshi system!

4. In the FAQ [Freequently Asked Question] sectionthey wrote that they are totally a non-profitable organization, If so I am not understanding how they are manging 8 countries including Bangladesh in a same time?If a non-profitable organization gets that much support from their sponsor why they need to waste them? Why they are not working by this money?

5. I think it is enough for a Organization who have only 1 sponsor like "Virgin" Company. Virgin came to the Bangladesh only with a Cold Driks Product, but they have a lots of product such like as Airlines to Condom! But Virgin comes when we was too little & It losted when I was Young. 

So how a Company left their business and started to Sponsor an Organization who has started a Social work at Rayer Bazaar at 2007? 

When they have kept business run the other countries, Is they started Social Work in this 3rd World Country like Bangladesh?

How a 25-26 years old Guy Manged Virgin, DHL, HSBC, Standard Chartard, US Government? 

How is it possible? 

Is it true that Korvi Rakshand is the creator of this Organization?

This was a statement of a Anonymous who works with "Jaago Foundation". And everyone knows that It has a personal connection with US Embassy.

Source: Faisal147
Translated by: Admin


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