Friday, November 11, 2011

Reply for the baby who is holding the milk bottle named "JAAGO"

Disclaimer: I am not a huge fan of Anti-Jaago or Jaago, and neither am I one of those who make snide comments about pictures of volunteers working for UCD. This heated debate regarding Anti-Jaago and its activities from some socially conscious activists who tend to post snide comments and blog posts from Sevaral profile is starting to get on the nerves of the ordinary. So getting my page painted yellow AND seeing stupid comments by people who should get a life is the last thing I want to know about.

I want to reply you in your ways. First get to know everything you can know about the organization itself loser. Okay, you think we could not be a part of a successfull project like so called "JAAGO", and you also think that we have nothing to do in home and because Mark Zuckerberg doesn't charge anything for Facebook we are pointing fingers on some one and judging them! Dear you are in the time of "Aaiaame Jaheliaat" (I think you don't know about it). You are  a baby who is still handaling a fider. And you are talking about COKE! Very funny.

Yes I don't want to start a debate on English vs. Bangla Medium. Yes sutdents are students. Yes I am a PATRIOT. If you are volunteer then I just want to tell you that why you are wearing Yellow T-shirt! Why you are investing moneys on making T-shirts! Use it on building future nation. 

Do you think volunteers are serving for FREE!
Good joke.
They are getting:
  • Foods from KFC/Pizza Huts (Because they are sponsor)
  • Drinks from Pepsi (Because they are sponsor)
  • T-shirt from JAAGO
  • And MONEY Offcourse!

If it was for FREE! No one is available for this work.

Now tell me that "What was that & What is that? Is it was really for Building Future Nation [BFN] or it was for Brand Promotion [BP]?"

And about the Facebook Photos dont you remeber this section of Facebook! "When you publish content or information using the Public setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture)".

And about the look! I dress in Formal and Casual with funky hair cut, but also have a sense about "How to start a conversation with someone?". 

I am smiling no no no I am laughing! Do you know why? About the topic 'Basball Bat', Dear I have 3 stamps made by wood of Shegun. and it can easily fill your all three importants hole of you body. There is 9 holes in every humans(male) body. If your three hole filled, it means you will became HANDICAP.

Do you know how a Street children dress in! Consantrate on that!

I am also a Social Worker! But difference is You guys are paid for what you guys do as volunteers. And I am for FREE!

It doesn't mean like your cheap comment such as you think that we have nothing to do in home and because Mark Zuckerberg doesn't charge anything for Facebook we are pointing fingers on some one and judging them. Dear I have 4 blogs, 1 website, Google+ IDs, Facebook IDs, Twitter IDs, Diaspora IDs, Unthink IDs, Asana IDs, Odesk IDs, Freelancer IDs, Microworkers IDs. Just stoping here. Told about only virtual side of my work spaces. Skipping my real life.

So when you want to say something just think about the positive-negetive sides and about left, right, up, down first.

I am one of the 7 billion. And I am from 99%. You are 1%.

Expect Me!

In Reply of this post I wrote it and posted it here! But the link is now removed. I don't know why but I think the owner doesn't have any GUTS to reply. Thats why he is hiding his Tails. 

Source: Admin


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