Sunday, April 3, 2011

Anonymous takes down Sony Pictures US and UK sites !

Anonymous successfully taken down and

The Sony PS3 console was "hacked" or more appropriately, jail broken, by iPhone hacker, Geohot. Anonymous managed to reverse engineer his own PlayStation 3 to run home brew applications on it.And then later released the method to the public, through his site,

Sony hit Anonymous with a lawsuit and demanded social media sites, including YouTube to hand over IP addresses of people who visited Geohot's social pages/videos.Pay pal have granted access to Sony for them to view Geohot's Pay Pal account. The judge of the case has given permission to Sony to view the IP addresses of everyone who visited Sony are also after another group of hackers for the same case.

The PS3 hack which GeoHot released can be compared to the "unlocking" of a phone. i.e. Once you purchase the phone, it's yours, you can do whatever it is you want with it.


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