Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hacker Defaces Website Of Kenya Police In Tribute Of Mark Zuckerberg

A hacker has apparently defaced the website of Kenya’s law enforcement body (kenyapolice.go.ke), according to Nairobi, Kenya-based business reporter Larry Madowo.
Sure enough, it appears the hacker did this in tribute of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
The clearly unintentional welcoming message on the website homepage (the rest of the siteseems to function fine) currently reads:
“Got in and all i could think about was zuckerberg!!! This’ for you Mark!”
(Click the image on top for a larger version, just in case things get fixed)
Amusingly, the title tag for the page has also been ‘updated’, now reading “I’m CEO, BITCh!” (see here for the backstory on that).
Setting a trend for website defacement in 2011?
Source: Tech Crunch


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