Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fighter jets swoop over Cairo in show of force

Egypt judges and Azhar scholars join mass protests in downtown Cairo on Saturday calling for the resignation of President Housni Mubarak as fighter jets and army helicopters swooped over Cairo in show of force.

Egyptian opposition forces have agreed to support opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei to negotiate with the government, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood said on Sunday, Al Arabiya TV reported.

ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, came back to Egypt on Thursday night, just in time for the "Day of Anger" protests which have left President Hosni Mubarak clinging to power with the army in the streets

Thirty-four Muslim Brothers, including leaders of the banned Islamist group, left a prison near Cairo unhindered Sunday after guards abandoned their posts amid anti-regime protests, one of their lawyers told AFP.

The Islamists who escaped from Wadi Natrun prison north of Cairo had been arrested on Thursday either at their homes or during protests against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak that have been raging for five days, leaving over 100 dead.

A security source told AFP that several thousand inmates had during the night overwhelmed guards at Wadi Natrun prison -- which holds many Islamist political prisoners -- and spilled out into nearby towns and villages.
"Their lives would have been in danger if they'd stayed," lawyer Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud told AFP.

Egyptians faced lawlessness on their streets on Sunday with security forces and ordinary people trying to stop looters after days of popular protest demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak's authoritarian 30-year rule.

Protecting the interior ministry

An Egyptian protester gestures while holding spent bullet casings on his fingers
An Egyptian protester gestures while holding spent bullet casings on his fingers
With fears of insecurity rising and a death toll of more than 100, thousands of convicts broke out prisons across Egypt overnight after they overwhelmed guards or after prison personnel fled their posts.

A security official said dozens of bodies were seen lying on a road near Cairo's Abu Zaabal prison on Sunday after rioting there killed at least eight prisoners.

With rampant pillaging in more than five days of deadly protests, many Egyptians believe that the police have deliberately released prisoners in order to spread chaos and emphasise the need for the security forces.

Fighter jets swooped low over Cairo Sunday in what appeared to be an attempt by the military to show its control of a city beset by looting, armed robbery and anti-government protests.

Minutes before the start of a 4 p.m. curfew, at least two jets appeared and made multiple passes over downtown, including a central square where thousands of protesters were calling for the departure of President Hosni Mubarak.

Police could be seen returning to some streets nearly two days after virtually disappearing, creating a security vacuum only partially filled by the presence of army troops backed by tanks at key sites around this city of 18 million people.

Through the night, Cairo residents armed with clubs, chains and knives formed vigilante groups to guard neighborhoods from marauders after the unpopular police force withdrew following clashes with protesters that left more than 100 dead.

Army tanks and tracked vehicles stood at the capital's street corners, guarding banks as well as government offices and the Interior Ministry headquarters. State security fought with protesters trying to attack the building on Saturday night.
  Hosni Mubarak, Omar Suleiman, both of you are agents of the Americans  
"We secured the Interior Ministry this morning and evacuated state security personnel. The ministry is empty," an army officer who did not want to be named told Reuters. "We're here for as long as it takes."

By morning, the capital's streets were mostly deserted, with citizens putting their trust in the military, hoping they would restore order but not open fire to keep Mubarak, 82, in power.

Up to 3,000 people gathered on Sunday in Tahrir Square, which has become a rallying point to express anger at poverty, repression and corruption in the Arab world's most populous nation. "The people want the fall of Mubarak," they chanted.

"Hosni Mubarak, Omar Suleiman, both of you are agents of the Americans," shouted protesters, referring to the appointment of intelligence chief Suleiman as a vice president, the first time Mubarak has appointed a deputy in 30 years of office.

It was the position Mubarak held before he become president and could set the scene for a transition of power. Many saw it as ending his son Gamal's long-predicted ambitions to take over.

"Mubarak, Mubarak, the plane awaits," demonstrators said.

Sunday is normally a working day in Egypt but banks and financial markets were ordered shut by the central bank. The bourse said it would stay closed on Monday.

The unprecedented turmoil has sent shock waves through the Middle East, where other autocratic rulers may face similar challenges, and unsettled financial markets around the globe.

The tumult was effecting Egypt's tourist industry and the U.S. embassy said on Sunday it was offering evacuation flights to Europe for U.S. citizens who are anxious to leave the country.

Israeli says to preserve ties

Egyptian protesters march at Tahrir Square in Cairo
Egyptian protesters march at Tahrir Square in Cairo
Israel's prime minister said Sunday that his country's 3-decade-old peace agreement with Egypt must be preserved, in his first public comment on the political unrest roiling Israel's neighbor and regional ally.

Israeli officials have been silent until now on the protests in Egypt, which have destabilized the autocratic regime of President Hosni Mubarak, Israel's most important ally in the Arab world.

Israel's government is "anxiously following developments in Egypt and the region," Benjamin Netanyahu told his weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

"Israel and Egypt have been at peace for more than three decades and our objective is to ensure that these ties be preserved," he said. "At this time, we must display responsibility, restraint and utmost prudence."

Israel signed a historic peace agreement with Anwar Sadat, Mubarak's predecessor, in 1979.

Mubarak, who took power after Sadat was assassinated in 1981, has honored the peace agreement, making Egypt an important source of stability. Ties have been cool but stable, allowing Israel to significantly scale back its armed forces.

Israelis have been closely watching the unrest, with some commentators expressing concern that a new regime could abrogate the peace agreement and resume the conflict with Israel. Before the peace agreement, the countries fought four wars in three decades

The United States and European powers were busy reworking their Middle East policies, which have supported Mubarak, turning a blind eye to police brutality and corruption in return for a bulwark against first communism and now militant Isam.

Change means nothing

  People don't want Mubarak any more. People want change   
Salah Khalife, an employee at a sugar company.
On Saturday, Mubarak bowed to protesters and appointed a vice-president for the first time, a move seen as lining up Suleiman as an eventual successor, at least for a transition period.

Egyptians say the changes mean nothing unless Mubarak goes.

"All these changes he made are sedatives," said Salah Khalife, an employee at a sugar company.

"People don't want Mubarak any more. People want change ... He doesn't want to leave. He is a thug."

In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said on Saturday: "The Egyptian government can't reshuffle the deck and then stand pat."

As in Tunisia, Egypt's exploding young population, most of them underemployed and frustrated by oppression at the hands of a corrupt and rapacious elite, were demanding a full clear-out of the old guard.

"This is the Arab world's Berlin moment," said Fawaz Gerges of the London School of Economics, comparing the events to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. "The authoritarian wall has fallen, and that's regardless of whether Mubarak survives."

Saturday saw the worst bloodshed so far of the five-day uprising. Police shot dead 17 people in Bani Suef, south of Cairo. Various estimates put the overall death toll in the five days of unrest at more than 100.

Source: alarabiya


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