Monday, January 31, 2011

Anonymous: Operation Italy?

It's up to us coming to the site of the computer attack the government.
The press has already been deployed, and informants display a high degree of certainty:Operation of Italy click Anonymous. To be targeted by the group of activities (and not) that seems to cut out stars play an increasing role in the riots that animate the Maghreb, with major activities in Tunisia and Egypt first and then, at this point would be the site of Italian Government.
ANONYMOUS ITALY - So proclaims the title of press release issued yesterday by the network Anonnews. Attention, even the citizens of the world.
The network has moved to fill the void left by traditional media, providing citizens with the information you need to push their governments to act. We share the responsibility to uphold fundamental human freedoms. Now is the time to react and Anonymous will always be present in those places where these freedoms are not. The political and economic situation in Italy became untenable. The Italian government has among its priorities as to censor the web, to make justice a wicked instrument, promoting prostitution (including child), to practice the dark dealings with the mafia, corrupt and manipulate information for personal purposes. No, a government so it will never be a government supported by the people, by Anonymous.

The machine would then be the anonymous network game. Sources within the organization assure us that the attack against the servers of the government is scheduled for this week: in the press, states that the date chosen is February 6. The blame government policy on the front of the network - we said this morning the initiative of a member of the majority, ready to criticize the social networks - and the scandals of the Ruby case.

DDOS - The working group's activism, it is known, is to attack undefinedcomputer via DDoS, Distributed Denial of Service, a sort of crazy sending traffic to a specific server in this way collapses, making it inaccessible. Maybe this would thus also planned for the site of the Italian government?
When the free flow of information is challenged, we organize and we show all together, making us feel much as we can, like a normal strike. Citizens of the world, governments are only now realizing that we can only do so much if we join forces. We, Anonymous, we are working for our freedom, for your liberty, we will never surrender. For too long we have fooled with the word Democracy. For too long politicians disguise their dirty business by the people unaware. For too long the government has poisoned our environment, the same environment that will be trampled by their grandchildren. For too long the government has kept us divided by ideologies of left and right. Too many of the abuses were perpetrated by the entire political class Italians who have seen a gradual and steady deterioration of human rights and dignity. We, Anonymous, critical mass, we are not terrorists, we are friends of the people, because we are citizens. We are the tool of the global collective consciousness that is awakening.
And to think that when we managed to interview a member of the cyber-Italian group, we had shown the difficulties that the movement was meeting in Italy.
Too - few actual number is insufficient groped for direct action, stopping the spread of the Italian cyber-activism.
Are still in program or project operations "made in Italy", or involving Italy? and live events, as in other countries?
Then, in the short term I would say no, there are operations in a purely Italian program, also because we are now focused on Tunisia and is also planning a Task Venezuela, so it would be appropriate to dispose of all citizens in various (too many) operations. Unfortunately, however, I must say that even if they wanted to organize something Italian (we are trying for a while '), it is exceedingly difficult to recruit and raise awareness, encouraging them to work for common interests and healthy. So for now, with these numbers in hand (a few people, just general interest) and an Italian operation, it is almost impossible.When and if we are more and more organized we can design something especially. For now, we contribute in other operations, which we do not feel any less of an Italian operation.
So, now, the group that fought for the freedom of young Tunisians and which are said to have played a direct and star in the fight against Egypt, it would be moving on the Italian front.

Source: Link


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