Tuesday, May 15, 2012

From now Alertpay is Payza

For those of you who hadn't heard, Alertpay is now Payza. A new company that was formed and even better than ever. This statement was on the Alertpay blog:

On May 14, 2012, the AlertPay platform will be transitioned automatically and seamlessly to Payza. What does that mean for you? Business as usual! You can access your money and use it the same way you always have. All of your information stays the same:

The same account (with your money in it)!
The same personal, business and financial information!
The same login and password!

Payza will also be bringing online payment processing to countries that have never had access to such services as receiving convenient and affordable international payments and localized banking transactions. Under the Payza brand, existing AlertPay customers will be able to send and receive money around the world, and will now have even more options to transact globally.

It also appears they are again accepting Visa and Mastercard payments (no official announcement on that yet though).

So what are you thinking? Oh my gosh! Don't you have any Alertpay or Payza account. Have a new one & Go here!

Source: Staff Reporter


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