Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today is 16th December: Victory Day of Bangladesh

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National Mausoleum at Savar:
Symbol of our pride.

The nation celebrates today (Friday) the 40th anniversary of its glorious victory over the Pakistani occupation forces, paying rich tributes to three million martyrs for their supreme sacrifices, reports UNB.

On this day, in 1971, the people under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman liberated the country after a nine-month bloody war with the Pakistani occupation forces.

General AAK Niazi, who had commanded the Pakistani occupation forces, had surrendered to the allied forces at Suhrawardy Udyan in Dhaka on December 16 with 93,000 soldiers following a miserable defeat in the war that broke out in March, 1971.

National Flag of Bangladesh
The day will be heralded with a 31-gun salute. The national flag will be hoisted atop all government, semi-government and other important buildings.
The day is a public holiday.

President Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Leader of the Opposition Khaleda Zia in their separate messages greeted the nation on the auspicious occasion.

In his message, the President said, "Our achievement in flourishing democracy, empowerment of women, establishing human rights and the rule of law, strengthening local government, ensuring food security, developing power and energy, information technology, expansion of women education and child and maternal health care are noteworthy."

He said: "On the eve of our Victory and National Day, I call upon my fellow countrymen, irrespective of party affiliation, to contribute more towards building our country from their respective position in order to realise and uphold the objectives and spirit of the War of Liberation".

"On the occasion of the great Victory Day, it's my expectation that with the concerted efforts of all, Bangladesh may be turned into a happy and prosperous 'Golden Bangla."

Sheikh Hasina, in her message, said, "The history of our Liberation War was not a casual event. In fact, it was the culmination of the struggle of Bangalee nation for 23 years under the inspiring leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."

She said the death sentence to the self-confessed killers of Bangabandhu has already been executed. "The retrial of the killings of four national leaders inside the central jail and the trial of war criminals are underway. The government is committed to holding the trial of all killings to uphold the rule of law and human rights," she said.

"Let's build a golden Bangladesh as dreamt by the Father of the Nation where there'll be no difference between the rich and the poor, and a boundless prospect will be available for all. The best wishes once again to all", she added.

In her message, Khaleda Zia said, "The dominating force is tying to make us a subservient nation by grabbing our independence and sovereignty, and some identified sections of the people of the country are supporting them in materialising their blueprint."

"We have to forge a national unity being inspired by the spirit of Liberation War to save our independence and sovereignty, and protect democracy", she said.

The government and various socio-political organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes to mark the day.

Special prayers will be offered in mosques, temples, churches and other places of worships, seeking divine blessings for peace and progress of the country.

Source: The Financial Express


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