Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to help Direct Connect find your Google+ Page

As we reported earlier today, Google has started to welcome brands on Google+, where they can create their own page – such as our very own. At the same time, the company also announced Direct Connect, which makes it very easy for Google search users to add a Page to their circles.
So now that you have a Page, how do you make sure it shows up in Google search when users type the name of your website? According to Google, here’s a few steps you can follow to help the algorithm associate your website and your Page:

1. Connect your Google+ page and your website using the Google+ badge

According to Google’s instructions, you can “add the Google+ icon  to your website by grabbing a snippet of code. Paste it into your HTML code, and you’re done: Your Google+ page and your site are now linked.” Google strongly recommends using the Google+ icon method.

2. Add a snippet of code to your site

If for some reason using the Google+ icon does not work for your site, you can manually link to your Google+ page like this:

Find us on Google+
where rel="publisher" tells Google that the subject of the linked page is the publisher of the site.As you may have guessed, you also have to replace the numbers with your Google+ Page’s own ID.
If you don’t want the link to be visible on your page, you can use a ‘link’ tag instead.

3. Adding your website link to your Page

This is pretty easy; all you have to do is to:

  • Go to your profile by clicking the profile icon at the top of the page;
  • Click Edit Profile;
  • On the ‘About’ tab, click Links;
  • Click ‘Add custom link’;
  • Enter a title for the link and a URL;
  • Click Save.

All these methods will help Google’s algorithm to associate content when it rolls out Direct Connect more widely.

Source: The Next Web

Is Direct Connect already working for your Page? Let us know in the comments.


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