Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yesterday Video & Photos from #OccupyDenver riots - Tanner Spendley Photography

- At 7:30pm, Denver Riot Police begin to move in and request the remaining protesters clear Civic Center Park. The protesters remind officers that they have until 11pm to be there and hold their ground. 

- Protesters chant a reminder that they are non-violent and request that the DPD remain non-violent as well. Continue to hold their ground as garbage trucks roll off with the remnants of the camp. 

- Protester states that ‘You can not kill an idea” 

- Police vacated the park area around 8pm. 

- 9:15 pm , 3 Night shift police officers stop by to state “They are there to keep the camp safe”. All state they were not part of the earlier action by riot police. Reiterate that the park has to be vacated by 11pm but the sidewalks are good at all times..


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